Calendrical Tools

Calendrical tools for reckoning time.

Astrolabe Plate star Horizon Azimuth Almucantar Hawaiian Islands 21.3069 Limb pisces aquarius capricorn sagittarius scorpio libra virgo leo cancer gemini taurus aries Ecliptic Divide Ecliptic Stars aldebaran altair arcturus capella sirius procyon deneb castor regulus vega betelgeuse rigel bellatrix antares spica Planets

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The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Calendar

- Ray

The Banker’s Almanac and Register published calendars in the late 1800s formatted as stacks of weeks similar to Seah’s candybar calendars and the format used by Reingold & Dershowitz. This format is illustrated in the chapter on the ISO Calendar. In their book, Reingold & Dershowitz point out that their only reference is for the ISO Standard ISO 8601:2000(E). Banker's calendar, 1883.

A calendar week is identified within a calendar year by the calendar week number. This is its ordinal position within the year, applying the rule that the first calendar week of a year is the one that includes the first Thursday of that year and that the last calendar week of a calendar year is the week immediately preceding the first calendar week of the next calendar year.

NOTE 1 These rules provide for a calendar year to have 52 or 53 calendar weeks;

NOTE 2 The first calendar week of a calendar year may include up to three days from the previous calendar year; the last calendar week of a calendar year may include up to three days from the following calendar year;

NOTE 3 The time-interval formed by the week dates of a calendar year is not the same as the time-interval formed by the calendar dates or ordinal dates for the same year. For instance: — Sunday 1995 January 1 is the 7th day of the 52nd week of 1994, and — Tuesday 1996 December 31 is the 2nd day of the 1st week 1997.

NOTE 4 The rule for determining the first calendar week is equivalent with the rule “the first calendar week is the week which includes January 4”.