Calendrical Tools

Calendrical tools for reckoning time.

Astrolabe Plate star Horizon Azimuth Almucantar Hawaiian Islands 21.3069 Limb pisces aquarius capricorn sagittarius scorpio libra virgo leo cancer gemini taurus aries Ecliptic Divide Ecliptic Stars aldebaran altair arcturus capella sirius procyon deneb castor regulus vega betelgeuse rigel bellatrix antares spica Planets

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Drawing Astrolabes: Dividing the Ecliptic

- Ray

Ecliptic Division Diagram

Stereographic projections of circles are circles. The ecliptic is a circle that runs between the extremes of the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The projection of the ecliptic has a radius that is the average of the tropic radii. Its center is half their difference.

The procedure for dividing the ecliptic is (Figure 6-7 with the following steps numbered):

  1. Locate the ecliptic pole on the meridian at $R_{eq} \tan(\epsilon / 2)$ from the center.
  2. Divide the equator into equal segments of longitude: 12 divisions of 30 for the entry into each zodiac sign: more divisions depending on the resolution desired.
  3. Draw a line from each equator division to the ecliptic pole. The corresponding longitude point on the ecliptic is where this line intersects the ecliptic circle.
  4. A tic mark on the ecliptic is drawn toward the center of the instrument.

version with correct prime vertical